Membership Services and Benefits
• Representation in the State Government:
The NWMPA has a record of achievement in dealing with government problems. In fact, you may want to ask yourself, “Have you stopped harmful legislation?” The NWMPA has! Thats where our strength in numbers comes in. A group united as the NWMPA can work wonders in the State Government. Thats one reason why you should be a part!
• Newsletters:
The regular newsletter which members receive will keep them informed on important local and national news in the meat industry, industry trends and association activities which may have a direct effect on their business.
• Annual Convention:
The Annual Convention is a highlight of each year. This great show features education with meetings that address crucial issues in the meat industry; great fun and fellowship with your fellow meat processors, plus a large show of exhibits by leading manufacturers and suppliers.
• Northwest Cured Meats Show:
This show held in conjunction with the Annual Convention gives members the opportunity to have their products judged and rated. Winners regularly take advantage of the great publicity of winning through the media and by the display of the awards.
• Continuing Education Seminars:
Sausage Seminars, Cured Meats Classes, Plant tours, Regulatory Seminars… anything that will help our members keep ahead of changes… these are just a few of the special meetings we conduct for our NWMPA members!

Types of Memberships
Operator Membership:
This class is for most of our members… it is for those who are not federal plants. This class is also for all Federally inspected Meat Processors.
Suppliers Membership:
This class is for companies which offer equipment, supplies and services to meat processors of the Northwest and believe that being associated with the nation’s largest state meat association will benefit their company.
Ally Membership:
Individuals who are engaged in any way with the meat industry, maintaining a residence in the Pacific Northwest, are eligible to be an associate member. They have no vote nor cannot be board member or officer, but they can serve on committees and participate in any association meeting
Our Objective:
The Northwest Meat Processors Association shall work for the betterment of the meat industry in the Northwest. This will be accomplished by providing strong, qualified leadership that represents the interests of the meat industry in the legislative halls. In addition, we keep our members informed of developments and matters of development and matters of interest in the meat industry.
NWMPA Code of Ethics:
- To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; to maintain law and order, to foster and encourage the highest ideals of citizenship; to assist in the development of the Pacific Northwest by encouraging the best uses of it’s natural resources and by improving the material and social conditions of all its people.
- To serve the interests of agriculture developments within the Pacific Northwest, and cooperation with educational and regulatory authorities and other interested agencies in the development of a sound and effective meat program.
- To develop, encourage, promote and enforce among its members a firmer business unity. To improve and perfect high standards of integrity and ethics in transactions between members and their customers, and with the general public.
- To foster the development and process of the art of meat processing through example and communication.
- To make technical and other studies of any matters affecting the meat processing industry; to promote and raise the standards or operation affecting the meat processing industry.
- It shall be the duty of each and every member of this Association to uphold, promote and abide by the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Northwest Meat Processors Association, and to conduct the members’ business in accordance with its objectives and purposes.
- To assure that in all sales and contracts of sale and advertisements, the member of the Association shall practice good faith, shall give full and truthful representations of the quality and description of meat sold or offered for sale, and in their trade relations shall studiously avoid the use of terms or expressions that are false or misleading.
- To represent member firms before and to cooperate with committees of the Legislature, administrative officials, and Commissions of the Pacific Northwest to the end of that the interests of its member firms shall be thoroughly and adequately considered and understood in relation to contemplated legislation, rules and regulations, and administrative orders.
- To gather and disseminate information. To make factual surveys and investigations. To prepare and publish to its membership, bulletins and digests which will increase the efficiency of the operation of its members and increase the knowledge of its members as to their respective rights and privileges.
Ron Richard Memorial Scholarship
Sponsored by:
Northwest Meat Processors Association
778 SW Chehalis Ave. Chehalis, WA 99362
(971) 267-5402
A $5000 scholarship will be divided amongst a maximum of 3 winners of the Ron Richards Memorial Scholarship. This will be awarded to undergraduate student(s) attending a university is one of three (3) Northwest states (Oregon, Idaho or Washington).
The student’s major must be in a scholastic discipline of value to the processed meat industry. Acceptable majors include Animal Sciences, Meat Sciences, Food Science or other Agricultural based areas.
The award of this scholarship will be based on the following:
Scholastics: applicants must have a grade point average of at least a 2.75 on a four (4) point scale.
Career goals: applicants should be planning to enter a career of value to the meat industry.
Class standing: applicants should be sophomore standing or higher in their coursework.
Other activities: applicants should cite all activities that demonstrate leadership capabilities, intellectual growth and breadth of interests.
Financial need will not be a consideration.