WSDA’s Regional Markets new Meat & Poultry Assistance Program is sponsoring individualized, technical support to Washington meat processors. You can sign up for (free) one-on-one consultations with industry specialists whose areas of expertise include: grants, feasibility studies, business planning, facility design, food safety, supply chain issues, sales, equipment, human resources, USDA inspection, getting started as a new processor, and more. This is an especially great opportunity for new processors to get advice and coaching. Washington meat processors can sign up with one (or more) of the 9 available consultants, before June 30, HERE.

WSDA is also asking Washington processors participate in a short survey about the challenges facing small meat processors in Washington. NWMPA strongly encourages Washington members to participate, to help WSDA better understand industry barriers, including labor and waste disposal management. The survey takes 8-10 minutes to complete, and closes May 31. Take the survey HERE.